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Thursday, April 15, 2010

These all go in backwards. Sorry about that. This is Jewel and Andrew mustering. Working hard!
Sunrise in Goat Hills (name of the station)

This is the pig I skinned on Sunday

This is the pig shoot we went to--prizes for largest, etc. Redneck central. We drank beer and looked at dead stuff.
This is Andrew's rugby game on Saturday


  1. Wow! what great pictures! We loved getting a new post. It just shows how busy you are when you just don't have time to post, but it's so fun for us to see and know what and how you are doing. Everyone whom I see says that they love following your blog. Keep it up.

    Thank you for letting us know what the Speedys do with their grapes, but my first thought was that I hope you didn't shoot any of the Speedys. haha You were shooting at the Speedys, you know. haha

    I loved seeing those sheep going up the hill. What a hoot. I'm glad you're having such a great time. Mama

  2. It is great to see your faces, again!! And the lay of the land. Wish I could figure out how to downsize my posessions as you have had to in order to travel around there!! We miss your smiles but we had 'last supper' after The Sanctuary with your parents last night. Keep posting; it is fun!

  3. You skinned a PIG???!! The Zeman boys would be proud!
